Saturday, August 6, 2011

Sad News

Stephen and I got a phone call from one of his best friends, Chris Harmon. Many of you are familiar with Chris and his wife Valerie, both of which are very good friends of ours. (Not to mention his wife is pregnant with their second child due in September) Well, Chris called us and told us that his mother, who's an incredibly sweet person, just got diagnosed with cancer. It's spread out throughtout her body, especially around her lungs. She's never smoked but he said that her mom, his grandmother, was a chained smoker and smoked around her when she was growing up. She's at stage 4 (which I believe is the last stage of cancer, the more serious stage) and has been given 6-9 months to live. Please keep their family in your prayers.


Megan said...

I'm so sorry--what a horrible, horrible thing to happen to them. I hope their family will be okay. They're lucky to have friends like you.

(On a lighter note, congratulations to them on baby #2--boy or girl? Do they know yet?)

linda said...

Please send our best wishes to their family during this hard time. Cancer is a terrible disease, that often strikes in an indiscriminate way. I was shocked to learn that over 15% of lung cancer patients are non-smokers with no particular risk factors. I guess that I felt that we were immune if we didn't smoke.

Sarah B Heath said...

I'm sorry to hear that, Very tragic. I hope they are able to cope well, and have all the love and support they need right now.